Membership of Tayside Airgun Club is open to all, provided legal requirements are met. Currently we have around 120 members.
The law makes no distinction between airguns and more powerful guns and all are classed as Firearms. This means that any offence committed can carry a very heavy penalty. There are at least 38 different offences, but the main points are:.
You must be 18 or over and have an Air Weapons Certificate (AWC) to buy, own or transport an airgun in Scotland, but most people can use an airgun without an AWC, under supervision, at a recognised club like Tayside. See or contact the club if in doubt.
There are restrictions on the possession and use of airguns for people under the age of 18 and tighter restrictions for those under the age of 14. In particular, under-18's cannot buy, hire or own an airgun but they can use one under supervision. See contact the club if in doubt.